We help people and support
businesses to grow.

Our aims and objectives are to support businesses of every size in achieving their growth strategy and business aspirations in the areas in which the Yorkshire Builders Federation Ltd can provide experience and assistance.

Operational Auditing.

As part of the support for businesses in the construction sector in our region, Yorkshire Builders Federation continue to carry out Operational Audits on your site, which provides the catalyst for our comprehensive review.

Encouraging Apprenticeships and Training.

Encouraging Apprenticeships
and Training

To ensure we have a workforce equipped with the skills and knowledge for the benefit of the industry, which in turn strengthens your team. We are committed to tackling local skills shortages in the construction industry by providing innovative opportunities for young people to gain real careers advice and meet industry role models.

Supporting and providing apprenticeships is one way to support the skills development of our future workforce. By utilising the skills set of your existing workforce, they are in turn able to share the skills and knowledge they have developed during their time in the industry. We also believe that when you support the training and development of your teams, you are ultimately investing in a positive, motivated, loyal and dedicated workforce that ensures your business is meeting its core objectives.

Reinforcing Workplace Health and Safety.

To ensure the workforce are provided with effective health and safety training, receive safe places to work, all delivered with a culture of individual wellbeing and healthy lifestyle provision. Ultimately, when you have excellent health and safety practices within the workplace you are enabling greater productivity on both a financial and ethical basis.

We can offer support to you when you are making decisions on health and safety within your workplace, as this will assist in reducing incidents; promoting a good work ethic; maintaining and enhancing credibility; identifying joint solutions; and empowering your workforce.

Helping You To Win Work.

We understand that a healthy pipeline is essential for contractors in the industry today, whether they be large, small or micro. We work vigorously to create and find business opportunities for members.

Our Board members have extensive knowledge and contacts across the industry and are constantly looking at market intelligence, which ultimately can support you in identifying those contracts that underpin business growth.

We will include updates on local tender opportunities and provide a platform for you to highlight occasions where you may need assistance for collaborative working.

Understanding Environmental Requirements.

The Environmental agenda is at the heart of what we do. We seek opportunities to raise awareness of the environment. We aspire to ensure that new developments across the region have a minimal impact on the environment.

To achieve the foregoing, we will provide guidance and support in some or all of the following:

  • Policy

  • ISO 14001

  • Hazardous materials

  • Plastics and packaging

  • Recycling

  • Environment Agency role

  • Communication

  • Training such as SEATS

  • Carbon reduction | Net Zero

  • Environmental checklist

  • Environmental management plans

  • Environmental risk assessment

  • Waste (site waste management plans)

  • Environmental targets and monitoring

  • Natural environment | Ecology

  • Sustainable and renewable solutions

  • Energy and water saving

  • Environmental auditing and reporting

  • Emergency incident procedures

  • Any enforcing authority enforcements in the past 5 years

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Become a member for FREE.

Whether it’s expert advice, accessing training and business opportunities, information on how to win work, representation, local networking, legal advice or learning something new, discover the many ways the YBF membership is helping construction companies across Yorkshire.

Become a member today.

Become a member today.

By becoming a member, you will gain access to expert advice, representation, support in accessing training and business opportunities and a platform to share your good news stories and achievements.

Contact us.

If you have any queries regarding the Yorkshire Builders Federation Ltd that we can help with, please get in touch. We’re here to answer any questions you have.

Contact us.

If you have any queries regarding the Yorkshire Builders Federation Ltd that we can help with, please get in touch. We’re here to answer any questions you have.

If you have any queries regarding the Yorkshire Builders Federation Ltd that we can help with, please get in touch. We’re here to answer any questions you have.